PhotoWorks · Aspects in photography

► Deutsch

Extended aspects in art and photography

My brother has written a great, systematic compilation from the complete works of Rudolf Steiner over 10 years and has now published them in 4 books.

This has now prompted me to take a new look at some of my photographic work. It is about two perceptions: freedom and love. But it is not about love between two people, nor about "I love you, but you should...".

It is about much more. About unconditional love. In other words, about love that is not subject to any conditions.

  • It is about an attitude to life!
  • How do I deal with my environment?
  • What do I want from it, what do I give to it?
  • How do I relate to our environment?
  • And of course to our fellow human beings with whom I come into contact.

Love must be involved everywhere here, a much more comprehensive love, an unconditional love.
Lived freedom is necessary as a basis. Only in this way will love be able to develop.


Freedom as the basis for love

I created these images in 2016 and used some of them in 2017 under the title «Future and Freedom». It was a discussion about the use of one's own texts and images on the Internet and what can be done with them.

This previous website Photography and text «To be One – and more than One» is still valid.

But here the focus is on the aspect of freedom as the basis for love.

Future 1
Future 2
Black Snow
Black Snow
Light Fight
Light Fight

Freedom and Love

...and it goes a lot further!
A game with light and in the light.

These pictures were taken in a large photo session in 2016. I later put them together to make two video slide shows. For all the effects of the underlying photographs, I only used the pure light guidance.

For the first video I did not use any image editings in the video.
► Sense-Amplifier

In a second extended video I used fades and digital color modifications when creating the video.
► Sense-Amplifier (extended)

The two images here were created from digitally edited photographs from the same photo session. But they are not included in the slide shows.



Here, too, freedom is the focus. A series of images on the topic of "multidimensionality", created in 2015.

According to anthroposophical views, freedom is the basis for love. Does it work the other way round? Love as the basis for freedom?

I can confirm this from my own life experience. I had a very serious bicycle accident in 2015 and survived. That was three years after the death of my life partner Patrick. Through his love and strength, he gave me my own freedom.

This is only understandable with a basic knowledge of anthroposophy. Strong spiritual binding can exert their spiritual powers in our physical world even after death.

The story is quite a bit longer and I am still very aware of every detail.

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