Over the years, my ideas and demands in terms of pictorial representation have changed a lot. Initially the interest was mainly in conventional photography and figurative representations.
Today it is the field of human communication and its visual implementation. Conceptual statements are created with photographic methods – a kind of digital painting as a creative game with a camera, photographs and videos as well as their components.
Therefore it is sometimes essentioan to leave the usual way of pictorial representation.

I consider my photographs and videos, as they come out of the camera, as a raw material for my own visual ideas. The fact that I leave the conventional "Main Stream Photography" is a very conscious artistic act.
Of course, there are also photographs that do not require any digital editing. Also such photos can be seen here.
Here is a black/white portrait from 1984 and one of the rare self-portraits from 1985 in shades of blue. Back then we didn't spoke of selfies ...