Wer will schon ewig arbeiten? — Who wants to work forever?
Urbex photo session — photo performance in Essen.
Analog photographs.
It was in the year 2004. Friends took me to an old mine.
They wanted me to take some photos of them. So, let's go.
Back then it wasn’t easy to find the “entrance”.
But my friends knew their stuff.
Since a long time I wanted to take photos in old factories. But you can't find these in Switzerland. My Urbex photography began…
There was still no trace of what would become a world cultural heritage site.
UNESCO World Heritage Zollverein, EssenYou can see preview images here. Click on one to see it larger. Another click will take you to the next image.
Only a few pictures can be seen here.
Hundreds more photos are still in my archive.
Essen - UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein Wer will schon Wer will schon Zollverein Der Anfang der Informatik Zollverein Abwarten Inspektor Inspektor Inspektors Werk Inspektor-2 Aus