Notions about a Portrait

The reality of Photography
A photograph normally shows a snippet of the past, an image of a former reality of an event. Usually it is only a fraction of a second, sometimes a bit more.A photograph is therefore a look into the past.
An interesting idea, or rather the hypothetical question is now: goes this in the other direction as well?
One will probably say according to realistic considerations NO.
But it works!
A Portrait
This image is a portrait. A portrait of a person. It shows an event. A very special, an incisive event.I made the picture three years before the occurrence of the event. I knew exactly how the image should look like and how I have to create it during the shooting and when I made the subsequent processing.
Also, the sense and the spiritual background that time were absolutely clear to me.
At that time, I could not imagine what the picture is showing effectively. Three years later, at the time the event happened, the true meaning was opened to me. It was a very drastic and personal condition that I communicate only in a direct conversation.
Now, a little more than two years after the event, or five years after I realized the picture, I am able to present it in this form with this text on my website for you.
The picture is also a key work for the understanding of many of my photo series notably "More than I can see" or "Splitting Images".