Peter Andres · Retrospektive


Chapter 6

The digital beginning

The change from analogue to digital has probably never been as dramatic and intense as in photography. Practically everything had to be rethought. A lot has fallen by the wayside. Fortunately, not everything.

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A start A start

Up until now everything was analogue. Cameras, films, developing and enlarging in the darkroom. All pretty time-consuming. Then came digital cameras. Everything was new. Was it better? Not necessarily. At least not at the beginning. That's why I hesitated with digital.

My first usable digital camera was a Nikon Coolpix 5000. As its cool name suggests, it had a full 5 megapixels, which was a luxury. During Expo 2002 it was in constant use as long as the battery lasted.

But it was a while before I could do proper digital image processing.


Pixel shifting... Pixel shifting...

I was already manipulating analogue photos in the darkroom. It had to be possible digitally too... And how! As a software developer, I was familiar with the technology. "Photo Drawings" was created in 2010.

Drawings... Almost. Not drawn or painted, but created photographically and then pixel-shifted...


The special train The special train

Berlin is a fascinating city, always worth a visit! The cultural center of Germany and a metropolis of international standing. History and modernity meet here. A city full of contrasts. It can always be rediscovered! Some impressions are captured in my pictures from summer 2011.

"Is that the special train to Pankow?" is what you could call the first picture. This was certainly the first spontaneous reaction of the viewers to whom I showed the picture.


The tool The tool

The hand. A very special kind of tool. The best that has ever existed and will ever exist.


>Reality 2.0 Reality 2.0

In resonance with the surreal reality

Is there a reality?
At the edge of reality, reality can be limitless.
That can't work...
And yet it does work!

In the beginning there was the game.
Who are the players, where are the spectators?
Who determines the rules of the game?
Who are the winners, who are the losers?

Or is it all just imagination?
Rien ne va plus!
Or maybe not?
Was it even a game or is the game still going on?
In the beginning there was the game. Who are the players, where are the spectators? Who determines the rules of the game? Who are the winners, who are the losers? Or is it all just imagination? Rien ne va plus!

The game is open - play along!

A new world awaits!

The other reality, it's alive!

Composition of analog and digital Composition of analog and digital

Recycling in photography? Yes, why not! There are many good, old photos in the archive. Why shouldn't I bring them into the digital world?

Black and white negatives in particular are ideal for new compositions in color with original digital images after digitization.

To Chapter 7:     Image thoughts To Chapter 5:     Urbex – Abandoned Places
Bild: Author Peter Andres
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