Peter Andres · Retrospektive


Chapter 5

Urbex – Abandoned Places

Whether we want it or not, buildings have their own soul. Something like their own spirit. When a building is no longer needed, this spirit often lives on and can develop wonderfully.

Urbex – The fascination of abandoned places!
A kind of journey into the past.

Here you can see a first start. More Urbex-eries with lots of lights soon followed. Some can be seen in the chapter Lichter – Playing with Light.

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Bodie - California, Ghost Town Bodie - California, Ghost Town

It is fascinating to take photos in old abandoned buildings. I am by no means the only one who thinks so. I already had real experience with the bed stories in the Waldau in 1986.

In Bodie my interests were finally strengthened.

Bodie - once the second largest city in California. Thanks to the gold rush, it experienced a real boom from 1877 to around 1887. From then on it went downhill, now a ghost town remains. Bodie is located east of San Francisco in California on the border with Nevada. If you are in the area, be sure to visit!

More information on Wikipedia

The music in the slide video, the Quarantine Waltz, played by Nat Keefe & Hot Buttered Rum, is heartbreakingly beautiful, just like the golden wild west age was back then with the (possibly) slightly leaden air.

(Audio library on YouTube: Nat Keefe)

Zollverein World Heritage Site Zollverein World Heritage Site

It was a tour in 2004 in Essen. Today the buildings are the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein. Many cultural events now take place there. It's worth a visit!

Berlin – Tacheles Berlin – Tacheles

The Berlin area is also ideal for Urbex explorations. Probably not for much longer, as there is a huge construction boom. Tacheles, once the art house on Oranienburger Strasse, no longer exists.

Here are some photos from the last few days, photographed on August 19, 2011. The Tacheles art house was finally cleared on the morning of September 4, 2012 at 7 a.m.
More on this in Wikipedia: Kunsthaus_Tacheles

Tacheles, photographed on August 19, 2011 The Tacheles Kunsthaus was finally vacated on the morning of September 4, 2012 at 7 a.m. An art house full of art. And I could even edit it with the camera The Tacheles art house was a place for great encounters

Mining area – Esch-sur-Alzett Mining area – Esch-sur-Alzette

In the former mining area between Saarbrücken and Esch-sur-Alzette, some abandoned places can still be seen.

Esch-sur-Alzette mining area today Walking


Call from beyond

To Chapter 6:     The digital beginning To Chapter 4:     Groundbreaking decisions
Bild: Author Peter Andres
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